Winston Churchill: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” When you decide to move aboard a sailboat and make it your permanent residence, you must make many important preparations: boat equipment, cooking utensils, clothing, food storage, safety equipment, etc. What many couples don’t realize is…
Tag: blue water cruisers
Sailing to the Canaries – With a hard left to Morocco
“Our plans are often a loose interpretation of our intended route. As always, my motto is, as long as we are still alive, still in love, and still afloat, it’s all good. We get wherever we are going when we get there.” Alison Gieschen Once again. This played true. Dan finally found a five-day…
It’s Hard to Say Goodbye to Spain – The Sailing Journey Continues
“Patience Is Not the Ability to Wait: Patience is to be calm no matter what happens, constantly take action to turn it into positive growth, and opportunities, and have faith to believe that it will all work out in the end while you are waiting.” ― Roy T. Bennett It’s been quite a while since…
What You Need to Know About Starlink and Blue Water Cruising
We began our blue water cruising adventures in 2017. Bright-eyed, optimistic, and confident in our knowledge of the resources and equipment we needed to set off on our circumnavigation, we cast off the dock lines owning only what fit aboard our 43-foot Taswell cutter rig. Our research on cruising was extensive. We took a 1,000-mile…
Two ships…that met in the night
In 2016, my husband and I will be selling our horse farm on which we have spent the past 28 years of our lives. Our lives here have been amazing and we wouldn’t change a minute of raising our 3 wonderful children in this lifestyle. However, our destiny was determined on the day we met,…