Winston Churchill: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” When you decide to move aboard a sailboat and make it your permanent residence, you must make many important preparations: boat equipment, cooking utensils, clothing, food storage, safety equipment, etc. What many couples don’t realize is…
Tag: sailing around the world
Sailing to the Canaries – With a hard left to Morocco
“Our plans are often a loose interpretation of our intended route. As always, my motto is, as long as we are still alive, still in love, and still afloat, it’s all good. We get wherever we are going when we get there.” Alison Gieschen Once again. This played true. Dan finally found a five-day…
The Pitfall of Sailboat Parts
Ah, the pitfalls of boat parts. When you’ve been sailing long enough, you know the motto, “It’s not if, it’s when” an essential part on your boat will break. Even though you may have a spare part for just about every system on your boat, there will always be something that breaks that you didn’t…
It’s Hard to Say Goodbye to Spain – The Sailing Journey Continues
“Patience Is Not the Ability to Wait: Patience is to be calm no matter what happens, constantly take action to turn it into positive growth, and opportunities, and have faith to believe that it will all work out in the end while you are waiting.” ― Roy T. Bennett It’s been quite a while since…
Setting Sail or Going Stale: The Best Food to Have on Board for Bluewater Sailing
“At sea, I learned how little a person needs, not how much.” Robin Lee Graham When we first moved aboard our Taswell 43’, cast off the dock lines, and headed out to sea, every cabinet, every bilge, every empty pocket of space aboard our boat was filled with stuff we thought we couldn’t live…
Out of the Med and Into Chaos With a Side of Morocco
“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.” – Ernest Hemingway Our journey in the Med ended as we prepared for our: Sailing Adventures to Morocco: Exploring the Vibrant Mediterranean Coast. We had worked our way east after leaving the safe harbor…
From Curious to Dangerous: The Risks of Sailing in Areas with Orcas
Actually, orcas aren’t quite as complex as scientists imagine. Most killer whales are just four tons of doofus dressed up like a police car. Christopher Moore If you are planning on sailing along the Atlantic coast of Spain or Portugal, you might want to keep an eye out for some unexpected visitors: orcas, also…
Sailing Naked – Speaking the Bare Truth – Top Five Embarrassing Moments
Before we left on our sailing adventure, our Yoga instructor, Lumi, rolled her eyes when we announced to her that we were selling everything and heading out to sea. We looked at one another and cocked our heads at her response. She seemed agitated by our announcement. “Yeah, my husband’s parents did that,” she explained…
Half Way Around the World – What’s Our Next Sailing Adventure?
“No, this is not the beginning of a new chapter in my life; this is the beginning of a new book! That first book is already closed, ended, and tossed into the seas; this new book is newly opened, has just begun!” C. Joybell It’s wonderful to know that every day is a…
John Kretschmer Passage – Part 5
John Kretschmer Passage – Part 5 ” A tourist remains an outsider throughout his visit; but a sailor is part of the local scene from the moment he arrives.” – Anne Davison We remained on course, sailing forward with an eye behind, watching the large ship following us drift farther and farther away. We went…