It has been a while since I have had the opportunity to write a blog post about sailing. Summer is the heat of battle for me in the equestrian vaulting world. One would think that having a boat and sailing is the farthest thing from my mind, when I spend 10 hours a day outside…
Dove – Our Labor of Love
Our current sailboat, the Dove (30ft. C&C) has been dry docked for the winter. She is stranded like a helpless beached whale upon her land legs, her great blue underbelly exposed to the air, looking pale and vulnerable. It pains me to see her in this condition, knowing she thrives most when the breezes are…
Sailboat Shopping
Many people have asked me the question, “How do you decide on a boat to live aboard and sail around the world on?” This is a very complex decision as there are so many brands of boats to choose from and the possibilities are endless. But seeing as how Dan and I are not independently…
Just a Farm Girl
I signed up for a passage with the famous John Kretschmer to sail 1,000 nautical miles and look for heavy weather. I need to face my fears of storms so I can be level headed and an asset to Dan when we finally do embark. I am facing my fears. But when I sent the…
Two ships…that met in the night
In 2016, my husband and I will be selling our horse farm on which we have spent the past 28 years of our lives. Our lives here have been amazing and we wouldn’t change a minute of raising our 3 wonderful children in this lifestyle. However, our destiny was determined on the day we met,…
Which Boat is for Us?
Dan has spent years researching sailboats he feels would be a good choice for us to live aboard. We have visited these brands of boats and gone to look at them as far north as Rhode Island, as far south as Florida, and all the way to the West Coast. Dan gets fixated on a…